ALONG CAME DIGIT: A review of “A Girl Named Digit” by Annabel Monaghan

12561863While I am far from a computer geek, one thing is certain. Many young girls are conditioned in the games we play, the toys we are given, the movies we watch and books we read, to accept that you cannot be smart and beautiful at the same time. Furthermore, you cannot be smarter in any way than a boy. It is never actually said to us, but it is implied. Even our teachers work hard to imply this to us. And then along came Digit. I was cruising in the young adult section at the library and came across this book. The girl on the cover was attractive enough with binary code all over the shiny blue paper. I decided I would give it a go.

Let me say that I am far from dissappointed. In fact I was let down that the next in the series isn’t due out for a few months yet. Digit is brilliant with math and numbers, she is beautiful, and she is living a lie, until she breaks the code that is running at the beginning of her “favorite” television program every week. She does what any responsible person does and she goes to the FBI. When they finally believe her she has to help them finish cracking the code to save even more lives, including her own.

There is even a little romance here, and that is the only problem I have. Digit falls for her FBI protector who is 21. AND her parents are totally cool with it. Not that its totally unbelievable, but there are many young men who must register as sex offenders because they were 18, the girl was 17, her parents didn’t like it and file statutory rape charges. Add on to the fact that this guy is FBI, and everyone seems to know about their love, including his boss, and he still has a job, I find mind boggling especially with the current climate of the FBI, CIA, NSA and other members of the federal alphabet soup.

Over all, though, it is a really great book, and Digit is a fantastic role models for young women, because even though Digit is incredibly smart, she is also good looking and very funny. Great for adults and young adults alike

*****/5 stars

About Navah Vesper Anat Yehudit

I am an avid fan of the Ballet, am expanding my tastes in Opera and all all Classical Arts. I enjoy Japanese art, needle craft, crochet, knitting, and though my past-times are old-fashioned, and some of my ideas are, that isn't necessarily a bad thing in this age of progress for the sake of progress.
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